Designing Resilience and Redundancy in Server Rooms

We refer to four levels of resilience in server rooms inspired by international Tier standards:
Design and establishment of the appropriate electrical infrastructure for the server room
Gathering the necessary information for designing the server room and matching the suitable equipment:
The criticality level of the room according to client needs
The number of consumers in the room, including verification of their technical data:
- Type of consumer (server, switches, hubs, POE switches, storage systems, etc.)
- Power rating of the consumers
- Number of power supplies (one supply / two power supplies / more than two)
- Types of power supply connections: C13 / C19
- Height of the equipment in U in a 19" rack
The number of racks according to the number of consumers and their power
Power distribution units (PDU) and cabling according to the power supplies of the equipment
Automatic transfer switch (ATS) based on the required level of resilience
UPS systems according to consumer power, required backup time, facility resilience, and future growth.
KVM switches and a retractable control station for the rack (screen, keyboard, and mouse).
Monitoring tools for remote management and control, including temperature, humidity, and flood sensors, etc.
Designing the location of the racks and equipment in the server room using a diagram while considering the location of air conditioning, raised floors, etc. (in coordination with the architect).
Designing and producing the electrical panel according to the power and the type and number of racks in the room (in coordination with the electrical consultant).