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IT2800 Graphical Source Measure Unit
Power supplies for medical applications are chosen based on the requirements of the application and the intended purpose of the medical device. Therefore, consideration must be given to the safety of patients and the safety of the operators of the medical equipment. The fundamental assumption is that there is no room for failures that could lead to harm or, God forbid, the death of anyone involved in the treatment with the medical device.
קרא עוד.....
The medical power supplies of MEAN WELL not only comply with IEC60601-1 3rd version but also possess 2xMOPP and MOOP levels, providing the highest level of isolation protection that are suitable to be applied to type BF (patient contact) devices.
בעוד שספקי כוח נדרשים להמרה ממתח הרשת, ממירי מתח DC/DC נדרשים בדרך כלל כאשר קיים כבר מתח DC אחד ונדרש מתח נוסף. ישנם גם מצבים שבהם הממיר משמש כמיצב מתח לכניסת DC זהה כמעט למתח יציאה
קרא עוד....
MEAN WELL’s first-generation TS family has been on the market for 14 years since its launch in 2006. In order to meet market demand for more cost-effective inverters, MEAN WELL has planned a new-generation NTS/NTU family of 250W~3200W inverters.
With the booming demand for intelligent design and charging applications products, MEAN WELL continues to develop power products suitable for Class II plastic housing design.
individual devices in the equipment יציאות DC מרובות לאספקת מתח למכשירים שונים Various type of components such as LED touch screen, speaker, credit card reader, printer, and coin machine of a self-service machine require different voltages. Output modules of NMP Series deliver up to 240w with 5V, 12V, 24V, 48V and dual output (5~30V/ 5~30V) to cover a wide range of 3~55Vdc to power on parts inside the end product.